Updated February 2025
Download the latest versions of RelMo, AiDamage, SolveAnalytic or DigitalAnalyst from here together with support files. Browse to the sample gallery to see RelMo in use, or the resources page for items you can use in your own surveys and models.
The latest versions provided here support the latest AiTS licensing system The older DK2 hardware key system has now been completely removed and is no longer available
Quick links
Upgrade 64-bit Version
Update to the latest full version of RelMo64 from here. This file updates the program components only and does not install code libraries, template or resource files. To perform a new installation of RelMo64 please use the Full install link below. The 64-bit version is recommended for all users using a 64-bit version of Windows.
Full install 64-bit Version
Install the full version of RelMo64. This is designed for new installations of RelMo so please note that this is a complete installation and installs codes, template and resource files which may replace existing files. To upgrade an existing installation of RelMo please use the Upgrade 64-bit link above. The 64-bit version is recommended for all users using a 64-bit version of Windows.
RelMo3 Viewer
The RelMo3 Viewer is available free of charge. It allows your clients and other parties to view animations and flyby sequences created within RelMo. Contained within RelMo3 viewer program is a demo facility to practice movement around the scene. Note that the quality of any motion will be governed by the quality of the end users hardware. It is recommended that RelMo3 users take note of the minimum specification for RelMo.
Demo Version (64-bit)
The demo version of RelMo is virtually identical to the current full version of the 64-bit RelMo Design, but with two restrictions. In the demo version you cannot print plans and there is a screen message in 3D views advising your use of the demo version. These restrictions have no effect on existing surveys, so you can download any of the sample files and expect them to work correctly. A few sample files are included in the installation package to get you started. Please read the on-line help files for information on getting started with RelMo. Note that this is a password protected installation. The password required is ‘aardvark’ (all lowercase and without the quotes).
Full Version
Update to the latest full version of AiDamage from here. This can be safely installed over your existing installation and will not overwrite vehicle libraries.
Full Version
Update to the latest full version of SolveAnalytic from here. From version 8 SolveAnalytic is now provided as a 64-bit program as this is significantly faster when processing vectors (series) of numbers which is one of the major new features of version 8. This version can be installed over your existing installation but please note that as part of the installation process some template files may be updated. Version 9 renames SolvePro to SolveAnalytic and adds the uncertainty engine. EditEquation is also installed alongside SolveAnalytic.
EditEquation has been withdrawn as a seperate program and is no longer available.
Full Version
Update to the latest full version of DigitalAnalyst from here. This version supports analysis of VU files generated by SmartTachographs. This can be safely installed over your existing installation.
Demo Version
Install the demo version of DigitalAnalyst from here. Please note that the installation file is password protected. To install use the password ‘genesis’ (all lower-case and without the quote marks). IMPORTANT: Please note that the demonstration version of DigitalAnalyst alters the actual W value of any data you download and substitutes a value of between 80 and 120% of the real value. As a result the speeds shown on the analysis graph will not be accurate and must not be used.
Conversion and download utility
The file conversion utility for converting output from the majority of electronic total stations to a format suitable for import into RelMo.
Update Licensing DLL
The licensing DLL update program. This will update any licensing DLLs to the latest version.